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Power of Awareness - Tool for Deeper Understanding, Feeling, and Connection

Join Julie Cara Hoffenberg (, author of "Homeless to Happy in a Split Second", and EJ Seals Jackson (, author of "Living from Within", for a discussion about "awareness". In today's world, it is not uncommon to be detached from your awareness, which is simply a state of consciousness we may all choose at any time. Your thoughts and feelings are your point of creation from which everything flows; and as you become aware of them, you begin to empower yourself to create from a more active place versus passively allowing your thoughts and feelings to run you.

Today we will discuss how to become more aware, how the world is set up to keep you from your awareness, and how you can harness more of the law of attraction to work for you, from an empowered place,  instead of operating in the background by default. We will also site some examples of times from our own lives when we were operating from auto-pilot and less aware, and some tools we used to get back on track. Join us for this and more as we embark on a journey into deeper awareness! As always, feel free to join us on the live chat, located on the showpage below the scrolling photos. You can also download all of our shows here or on Itunes. 

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